Are you ready to discover a new way of living?

Discover Your Natural Women’s Wellness Solution with Hummingbird Naturopath

Welcome to Hummingbird Naturopath, your sanctuary for Natural Women’s Wellness Solutions. Take the First Step Towards Natural Well-Being.

Call to schedule your initial consultation today. Your future self will thank you.

Your Guide to Natural Women’s Wellness Solutions from Hummingbird Naturopath

If you’re a woman juggling a busy professional life or managing a home, you may or may not know that physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances can throw everything off-kilter. This can seldom be corrected with a ‘quick fix’; Holistic solutions that treat the root cause offer lasting and effective changes.

Let us guide you on your journey to lasting wellness.

One-to-One Nutritional Therapy

Whether you have a chronic illness, or minor concerns or would like to prevent future problems, one-to-one therapy is an excellent choice for delivering a bespoke service.

One-to-One Belief Coding® Session

Belief Coding® is a method that taps into the subconscious to understand where certain thoughts, feelings, and beliefs come from.

One-to-One Mind Navigation™
A Course of 4 Sessions

This is an advanced Belief Coding® technique and has been described as Belief Coding® on steroids. We work with multiple discomforts and limiting beliefs to find the root cause of multiple blockages.

Theta Healing™ Session

Theta Healing™ is an energetic healing modality that brings about physical, psychological and spiritual healing with focused meditation through the Creator.

What is Naturopathy?

Natural Women's Wellness Solutions

About Hummingbird Naturopath

Emmie Crompton

Why Choose Hummingbird Naturopath For Natural Women’s Wellness Solutions?

Personalised Care

I take the time to understand your health history, lifestyle, and individual needs.

Qualified Expert

I am a certified naturopath with extensive training and experience.

High-Quality Products

I source only the most reliable and pure herbal and nutritional supplements.

Flexible Appointments

Convenience for you matters to me. Book in-person or online consultations at times that suit you.

What My Clients Say

About My Natural Women’s Wellness Solutions

Kris, 50, Manchester, May 2023
6-Week Nutrition Re-Set Programme

I originally saw Emmie for help with a skin condition called urticaria I was taking anti-histamines for daily, and this was having an impact on both my mental and physical health and the side effects from the medication were not pleasant. Emmie’s approach, knowledge and understanding blew me away…

Lucy, 39, Lancashire, June 2023
6-Week Nutrition Re-Set Programme

After suffering for years with various health issues including arthritis in my toe, sinus headaches and gut issues I went to Emmie for help.

Immediately I was blown away by Emmie’s extremely thorough initial consultation with me. I had already been through the doctors with these issues and had treated the symptoms but never the cause…

Rachael, 47, June 2022
Belief Coding® & ThetaHealing™

Emmie is an amazing Belief Coding facilitator who helped me process a very tricky family situation where boundaries needed to be put into place. Emmie held the most beautiful space for me throughout the whole session whilst guiding me with her wise words and gentle voice…

Zillah, 39, April 2022
Belief Coding® & ThetaHealing™

thank you so much for my session last night. You are a natural and I can’t believe the effects I’m feeling already.

I’ve had such a lovely day with my kids, no feelings of stress at all. I haven’t felt wound up by the things that triggered me before…

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